Clinical Trials & Contract Research In Nigeria

Clinical trials are critical for identifying novel therapies for diseases and new techniques to detect, diagnose, and prevent disease development. In addition, clinical trials may demonstrate to researchers what works and doesn't work in people, which isn't possible to discover in the lab or with animals.

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Clinical Research Services in Nigeria

We've put together a comprehensive package of clinical research services to help you get the tools and expertise you need for your clinical research. These services are designed to meet the highest standards throughout your drug development strategy. Savante Consulting Limited is a Nigerian ...

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Clinical Research Organizations in Nigeria

As one of the leading clinical research organizations in Nigeria, Savante Consulting Limited provides the resources and expertise you need for your clinical research, we have the right package of clinical research services to deliver to the highest standards throughout your drug development plan.

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Partnerships and Collaborations: The Right Alliances for Clinical Trials in Africa

Africa attracts,1% of all trials conducted around the world. The implication is that proof of safety and efficacy in Africans is lacking for a lot of new therapies.

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Product Registration in CEMAC, ECOWAS and UEMOA Regions

Products such as foods, biologicals, pharmaceuticals and other medical devices are important for national developments. Every country needs a reliable supply of all these products to promote safety, improve public health and patient care.

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